• BTS - Braodcast Traffic Systems

    Traffic Solutions
    for Broadcasters

    Tackle real world challenges
    with a proven solution

  • More than a product - a solution

    Broadcast Traffic Systems is a leading
    supplier of traffic solutions to the
    broadcasting industry.


Maintains high level Proposals and Sales Contracts and supports the placement of spots through Ratings (GRP) or via individual spot booking. Contracts can cater for multiple channels and multiple currencies supported by flexible spot pricing.

Channel Management

Covers the entire process from Long Term plans through to the production of a transmission playlist. Licensing rights and programme suitability checks are automatically included in the scheduling process.


Using a set of program Licence rules the system can produce on-demand (VOD) schedules. Together with a link to linear scheduling routines a set of 'catch-up' schedules can also be produced.

Latest News

Continuity during the pandemic

An early move to remote working and agile technology allows BTS to help clients adapt to the challenges they face.

November 2020


Tackle real world challenges with a proven solution.
BTS has delivered systems in many geographical areas and we have been able to handle all language sets and currencies through the sophisticated design of our software. The system can cater for ANY number of currencies so it is possible for example to enter Sales Contracts each in a different currency yet the core system reporting can be set to a basic 'home' currency.
The underlying design of the system supports an unlimited number of channels and users, there are no software limitations. BTS clients are able to add additional channels to the system in a matter of minutes - without any assistance from the BTS support desk.
System functionality can be tailored to meet the specific requirements of individual broadcasters. Our ENTERPRISE application has been designed to allow software changes to be incorporated into the base product and, through sophisticated configuration processes, clients using the same BTS application appear to see a different product.